发布:2022-03-08 23:00:58 关注:43044次
陈志杰博士,浙江大学“百人计划”研究员(第一类),博士生导师,国家级青年人才计划入选者。2012年本科毕业于上海交通大学化学化工学院应用化学系(导师:崔勇教授),2018年博士毕业于沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(kaust)化学系(导师:mohamed eddaoudi教授),2018年至2021年在美国西北大学(northwestern university)化学系从事博士后研究(合作导师:omar farha教授),2022年1月加入浙江大学化学系。主要从事功能性晶态多孔材料的设计合成及性能研究。已在science、nature chemistry、journal of the american chemical society、chemical reviews、chem、accounts of chemical research、nano research和coordination chemistry reviews等学术期刊发表80余篇论文,论文引用共3000多次,h-指数31;研究成果被化学化工新闻(c&en)、bbc news、physics world、sciencedaily等评述报道。曾获得2020年iin outstanding research award和2021年mrs postdoctoral award,多次担任journal of the american chemical society、nano research、journal of materials chemistry a等学术期刊的审稿人。
1.zhijie chen, penghao li, ryther anderson, xingjie wang, xuan zhang, lee robison, louis r. redfern, shinya moribe, timur islamoglu, diego a. gómez-gualdrón, taner yildirim, j. fraser stoddart, omar k. farha, balancing volumetric and gravimetric uptake in highly porous materials for clean energy.science2020,368, 297-303.
2.zhijie chen,kent o. kirlikovali, karam b. idrees, megan c. wasson, omar k. farha, porous materials for hydrogen storage.chem2022 (accepted)
3.zhijie chen, kento. kirlikovali, peng li, omar k. farha. reticular chemistry for highly porous metal–organic frameworks: the chemistry and applications.acc. chem. res.2022, 55, 579-591.
4.zhijie chen, mohammad rasel mian, seung-joon lee, haoyuan chen, xuan zhang, kent o. kirlikovali, sarah shulda, patrick melix, andrew s. rosen, philip a. parilla, thomas gennett, randall q. snurr, timur islamoglu, taner yildirim, and omar k. farha, fine-tuning a robust metal–organic framework toward enhanced clean energy gas storage.j. am. chem. soc.2021,143, 18838-18843.
5.zhijie chen, penghao li, xuan zhang, peng li, megan c. wasson, timur islamoglu, j. fraser stoddart, and omar k. farha, reticular access to highly porous acs-mofs with rigid trigonal prismatic linkers for water sorption.j. am. chem. soc.2019,141,2900-2905.
6.zhijie chen, penghao li, xingjie wang, ken-ichi otake, xuan zhang, lee robison, ahmet atilgan, timur islamoglu, morgan g. hall, gregory w. peterson, j. fraser stoddart, and omar k. farha, ligand-directed reticular synthesis of catalytically active missing zirconium-based metal–organic frameworks.j. am. chem. soc.2019,141,12229-12235.
7.zhijie chen, kaikai ma, john j. mahle, hui wang, zoha h. syed, ahmet atilgan, yongwei chen, john h. xin, timur islamoglu, gregory w. peterson, and omar k. farha, integration of metal-organic frameworks on protective layers for destruction of nerve agents under relevant conditions.j. am. chem. soc.2019,141, 20016-20021.
8.zhijie chen, zeynabou thiam, aleksander shkurenko, lukasz j. weseliński, karim adil, hao jiang, dalal alezi, ayalew h. assen, michael o'keeffe, and mohamed eddaoudi, enriching the reticular chemistry repertoire with minimal edge-transitive related nets: access to highly-coordinated mofs based on double six-membered rings as net-coded building units.j. am. chem. soc.2019,141, 20480-20489.
9.zhijie chen, ?ukasz j. weseliński, karim adil, youssef belmabkhout, aleksander shkurenko, hao jiang, prashant m bhatt, vincent guillerm, emilie dauzon, dong-xu xue, michael o'keeffe, mohamed eddaoudi, applying the power of reticular chemistry to finding the missing alb-mof platform based on the (6,12)-coordinated edge-transitive net.j. am. chem. soc.2017, 139, 3265–3274.
10.zhijie chen, hao jiang, mian li, michael o'keeffe, and mohamed eddaoudi, reticular chemistry 3.2: typical minimal edge-transitivederivedandrelatednets for the design and synthesis of mofs.chem. rev.2020,120, 8039-8065.
11.lingmei liu,zhijie chen, jianjian wang, daliang zhang, yihan zhu, sanliang ling, kuo-wei huang, youssef belmabkhout, karim adil, yuxin zhang, ben slater, mohamed eddaoudi, and yu han, imaging defects and their evolution in a metal–organic framework at sub-unit-cell resolution.nat. chem.2019,11, 622-628.(共同一作)
12.zhijie chen, penghao li, xuan zhang, mohammad rasel mian, xingjie wang, peng li, zhichang liu, michael o’keeffe, j. fraser stoddart, and omar k. farha, reticular exploration of uranium-based metal—organic frameworks with hexacarboxylate building units.nano res.2021,14, 376-380. (共通讯作者)
13.zhijie chen, sylvia l. hanna, louis r. redfern, dalal alezi, timur islamoglu, and omar k. farha, reticular chemistry in the rational synthesis of functional zirconium cluster-based mofs.coord. chem. rev.,2019,386, 32-49.