Carry out all activities in a manner that will
contribute to the achievement of individual and team Key Performance Indicators
Maintain a Customer centric approach thereby
helping to avoid occurrence of errors and take preventive measures to eliminate
repetition of errors.
Prepare and submit all documents in a timely
and accurate manner and keep the internal/external stakeholders informed of the
Have good business knowledge / process
understanding to provide a value add to the customers through effective
business solutions.
Understanding business criticality and
prioritizing the tasks effectively to ensure customer satisfaction.
Adhere to process and Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) and Internal Operating Procedures (IOPs) during daily
Identify deviations in process as compared to
IOPs and share the same proactively with the customer

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菁英计划3.0-公关团购经理(西北)(J14048) 10000-15000元七里河区 应届毕业生 不限泸州老窖国窖酒类销售股份有限公司
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“猎鹰计划”科技岗(兰州) 4000-8000元城关区 应届毕业生 本科中国人寿