To lead, coordinate and mobilise co-workers in the implementation of any marketing campaigns with specific focus to positioning to ensure best practice, excellent output and fulfilment of objectives. Rebuild our brand and inspire customer with our value. We bounce ideas back and forth, we challenge each other and we are crazy passionate about communication. Act as a leader of the Marketing campaign team and proactively contribute to marketing plan/output in order to deliver to the common objectives and goals.
- Lead Campaign team for yearly campaign planning and excution
- Work cross-functionally with Merchandise, Creative
市场地推专员 面议七里河区 应届毕业生 不限好运徕网络科技(杭州)有限公司
招叉车工-月入8000(提供低价住宿) 面议榆中县 应届毕业生 不限陕西普尔森人力资源有限公司
工艺安全维修员 6000元以上安宁区 应届毕业生 不限江苏省协同医药生物工程有限责任公司
急招兰州地铁安检1/2号线 5000-10000元城关区 应届毕业生 不限杉鸿(广州)商务有限公司
周结 / 包吃住 / 就近分配 / 短期过渡 面议七里河区 应届毕业生 不限河南华铁企业管理有限公司
开发部--新店开发/选址拓展(甘青宁区域) 10000-15000元城关区 应届毕业生 本科百胜餐饮(西安)有限公司