Purpose of the Role
Cloud Infrastructure Engineer is to design, implement, and support cloud infrastructure solutions, with a primary focus on Ali-Cloud. The Cloud Infrastructure Engineer will play a crucial role in automating infrastructure provisioning, monitoring cloud services, providing platform support, and ensuring the overall stability and security of the platform and application environments.
Key Job Responsibilities Specific duties include, but are not limited to:
- Ali-Cloud workload design and implementation.
- Work on automating infrastructure provision with `Infrastructure as code
- Ali-Cloud monitoring for monitoring the events, and create cases for significant alerts and reach out to respective resolver groups
- Platform support for
- Any investigation and resolution of events / cases raised by monitoring teams
- To make any configuration changes and hardening security of the platform and application environments
- To on-board a new application / environment o Perform regular maintenance or upgrades without any impact to end user
- Work with Cloud Service Provider's support teams if necessary to resolve cases
- Work with Application support teams (or developers) for any application related issues
- Work with other infrastructure teams to resolve any integration issues (e.g., authentication)
- Provide operational insights on daily basis
6.Status update to be provided to management on weekly basis
7. Experience with SAP infrastructure provisioning on Ali cloud will be added advantage
8.Tools / Products in Scope: o Network Services VPC, VPN Gateway, Server Load Balancer, Domains etc.
- Storage OSS, NAS
- Security Threat detection service, WAF, Anti-DDoS etc.
- Database SQL Server, Postgres, Apsara DB for RDS etc.
- Monitoring
市场地推专员 面议七里河区 应届毕业生 不限好运徕网络科技(杭州)有限公司
招叉车工-月入8000(提供低价住宿) 面议榆中县 应届毕业生 不限陕西普尔森人力资源有限公司
工艺安全维修员 6000元以上安宁区 应届毕业生 不限江苏省协同医药生物工程有限责任公司
急招兰州地铁安检1/2号线 5000-10000元城关区 应届毕业生 不限杉鸿(广州)商务有限公司
周结 / 包吃住 / 就近分配 / 短期过渡 面议七里河区 应届毕业生 不限河南华铁企业管理有限公司
开发部--新店开发/选址拓展(甘青宁区域) 10000-15000元城关区 应届毕业生 本科百胜餐饮(西安)有限公司